Thursday, October 17, 2024

Week 6: A Strong Middle Class

 I had no great title or overarching theme for this week, so I went with a mediocre observation -- the teams that were ranked 5-9 before the week started didn't change at all in their rankings after the games went final. That won't be the case this next week though as 6 plays 7, and 5 plays 8.

As part of writing the blog, I looked through the write up for week 6 last (so I can copy and paste the game preview template), and I realized that in weeks 5 and 6 last year I talked about how many injuries were occurring.  Given last year and this year, it seems weeks 5 and 6 are the cursed weeks.

Game Recaps

Skyler vs Tyler: This was the second closest game of the week, and it came down to MNF.  Aaron Rodgers did enough to drop the Bills DST down and get Skyler the win.  Going back to the unexpected theme of a strong middle class, Tyler had 4 guys score 20+ points (Lamar, Mixon, Bijan, Deebo) compared to Skyler only have 1 (Daniels). Given the top heavy nature of Tyler's team, it would have been safe to assume he would have won, but Tyler was let down by 5 players in single digits, 3 of whom were 5 and under.  Skyler only had 2 guys in double digits, and only one of them was 5 and under.

Kyle vs Tommy: What a game! It was the 3rd highest scoring game of the week, and it was decided by less than a point on MNF aka Monday Nightmare/Miracle and Nightly/Weekly Nailbiter.  What was fun for the rest of us must have been agony for Kyle and Tommy, so thank you gentleman for the entertainment. In one of the flukier things I have ever seen, each team had a player end with negative points (neither of them DST's).  Tommy had 3 guys score 20+ (Stroud, Swift, and Scary Terry), while Kyle only had Fields, yet it was Kyle's middle class of guys who got him the win.  This middle class thing I made up at the start is now paying dividends two matchups in.  Let's see how it continues.

Matt vs TJ: In preparation for the matchup of the top two teams, there was a media event and with in similar to boxing.  As they were staring each other down, Matt blinked first, and then decided to fall to the ground and get in the fetal position.  Surprised by this show of weakness, TJ decided to stomp on him repeatedly until he got Matt right in the bladder, causing him to wet himself while crying. Afterwards, a reporter asked what happened, and TJ's only response was "If you come at the King, you best not miss". Maybe that's not what really happened, but when you are the number 1 team on the season and then you are the second lowest scorer of the week and you were on the losing end of the weekly blow out, I feel I get to take creative liberties in describing what happened. TJ didn't quite lead wire to wire, but he got a lead by the end of Thursday night and never looked back. TJ had 2 people score 20+ (KW3 and Flowers), while Matt only had 1 pass the 20 threshold in Goff.  In Goff's defense, he actually got 30+, but the rest of his team was lacking.

Rob vs Jordan: This was the first of 3 games that was decided by 15-25 points -- right in the sweet spot of not agonizingly close where you wish you had started someone else, but not far enough apart that it's embarrassing. That being said, Rob still has to be pretty salty that in a game where the Cowboys were down the entire time, Dak had his worst game in yards and TD's to combine for his worst game of the season.  Overall, this game was a bit of a let down as it was the battle of ineptitude and featured two of the bottom four scorer's.  Rob had 0 people score 20+ points, and Jordan only had 2 in that group (Wilson and Kmet). Rob actually had more people score double digits than Jordan did (6 to 5) but he also had more people score 5 and under (3) than Jordan (0).

Trevor vs Brady: Trevor is finally on the winning side of when 2 of the top 3 teams play each other. This was the weekly bonanza, and was pretty close through the early games with a couple of score changes early on.  Trevor was able to put it away in primetime behind Tracy and Hall running wild when it mattered most as they both scored 20+ this week.  Not to be outdone, Caleb Williams went for 36, and managed to outduel Jordan Love on Brady's side, who went for 33. Brady also had Monty and the Sun God join the 20+ point club.  Neither team had anyone score under 5 points.  Brady did have 3 people in the single digits, while Trevor only had 1. Unfortunately for Brady, Mike Evans played the Saints (his Kryptonite) and Mason got hurt. As great as this bonanza was, I feel like we were robbed of an all-time classic with Mason and Evans underperforming.

Brandon vs Scott: In the surprise of the week, 12th place Brandon and 8th place Scott were 2nd place in the bonanza standings, and were the 3rd closest matchup of the week. Each team had someone score 30+ (Baker for Brandon, and Purdy and Godwin for Scott), and they had an additional 4 players combined score 20+ (3 for Brandon -- Henry, Allen, and Kittle, and 1 for Scott -- Najee).  Scott's demise came from 5 players scoring single digits, while Brandon only had 2.

Award Season



Unluckiest Team of the Week: Should it go to Brady, for being the 3rd highest scorer and losing? Yes.  Could it also go to Scott, for being the 5th highest scorer and losing? Yes. But will it go to Tommy, who lost on MNF because Kincaid had a season-high total in catches and yards? Yes

Luckiest Team of the Week: Jordan only could have won against 3 teams this week, and he was lucky enough to play one of them.

Highest Scorer of the Week: Dr. T-Rev

Lowest Scorer of the Week: Rob

King of the Court: It's still TJ, but let's see if Rob has anything to say about that next week.

Game Previews

Skyler (6) vs Kyle (7): Skyler has 1 player on Thursday and 0 players in primetime. He has 1 player on bye. Kyle has 1 player on Thursday and 3 players in primetime. If Skyler wins, there will be a 2 game gap between the last playoff team and the 7 seed, but if Kyle wins, it will be all tied up. It probably means nothing, but we've never had the 6 seed with a 2-game lead over the 7 seed after week 7.  And I'm also realizing this would require Trevor and Brady to win as well as Skyler.  So odds are good we won't see a 2-game gap from 6 to 7 at the halfway point.

Brandon (10) vs Brady (4): Brandon has 0 players on Thursday and 2 players in primetime. He has 1 player on bye. Brady has 1 player on Thursday and 1 player in primetime. He has 0 players on bye. This is the leading bonanza candidate based on the always accurate and infallible projections.

Scott (8) vs Trevor (5): Scott has 0 players on Thursday and 4 players in primetime. He has 2 players on bye. Trevor has 0 players on Thursday and 3 players in primetime. 

Jordan (2) vs Matt (3): Jordan has 0 players on Thursday and 2 players in primetime. He has 2 players on bye. Matt has 0 players on Thursday and 2 players in primetime. He has 0 players on bye. 

TJ (1) vs Rob (11): TJ has 0 players on Thursday and 1 player in primetime. He has 0 players on bye. Rob has 0 players on Thursday and 0 players in primetime. He has 0 players on bye. Based on the standings, this could be the blowout of the week.  Based on projections, this is a prime bonanza candidate.

Tommy (9) vs Tyler (12): Tommy has 1 player on Thursday and 0 players in primetime. He has 3 players on bye. Tyler has 0 players on Thursday and 1 player in primetime. He has 1 player on bye. Based on standings, this looks to be the battle of ineptitude.

Good luck to everyone but Kyle this week.

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