Sunday, December 1, 2013

Playoff Layout

So this what the playoffs look like now (assuming Lynch doesn’t get hurt early, and totals 3.6+ points).

#1 – Chad
#2 – Ren
#3 – Tyler (wins his division, and is therefore guaranteed a top 3 seed, even if his power ranking/overall standing would have put him behind me)
#4 – Skyler
#5 – Jordan (had less points than Brady, but one more win)
#6 – Brady

However, if Lynch gets hurt or something, here is what the scenario would be.

#1 – Chad
#2 – Jordan
#3 – Ren
#4 – Skyler
#5 – Tyler
#6 – Brady

So the north division has their spots locked up at 1, 4 and 6.  However, bye weeks depend on Lynch not getting a concussion, or playing his worst game all year.  Though he has scored 3.7 this year, as well as 6.9 and 7.2, and I think that’s without injury.  So who knows. I could be wrong.  I had to double and triple check this and make changes.  So leave comments correcting me.  It’s not been my week. 10 and a half hours in a car leaves you loopy.  Also, had Matt won, he would have been in.  Brady would like to thank Trevor for the help.  Even after I gave Trevor grief about who to start, he still won.