Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Best Day of the Year: 2020 Edition
Today, dear reader, is what I consider the best day of the year. It wasn't Christmas, or a day at Disneyland -- today was our annual STG Fantasy Football League Draft. Given how crazy everything has been with coronavirus (especially in the sports world), it was nice to have a day that felt normal. We were able to have 9 of the 12 people attend in person, and the other three (me, Tommy, and Tyler) were able to attend via zoom. Given our busy schedules, I see this as an absolute win.
We liked having Chad back in the league, but Ren and his site were missed.
For the grades and individual team reports, you can click this link.
For a brief summary for those that don't want to click the link or read, see below for the team owner, their grade, and their chance to make the playoffs (assuming great in-season management).
Kyle: A with a 90% chance to make the playoffs.
Rob: A with a 90% chance to make the playoffs.
Matt: B+ with an 80% chance to make the playoffs.
Brady: B+ with an 80% chance to make the playoffs.
Skyler: B+ with an 80% chance to make the playoffs.
Chad: B with a 75% chance to make the playoffs.
Brandon: B with a 75% chance to make the playoffs.
Tyler: B with a 70% chance to make the playoffs.
TJ: B with a 70% chance to make the playoffs.
Trevor: B- with a 65% chance to make the playoffs.
Jordan: C+ with a 65% chance to make the playoffs.
Tommy: C with a 60% chance to make the playoffs.
Based on just the numbers of the % chance to make the playoffs, the South ended with 310 points, while the North and West finished with 295 points each. That averages out to 77.5% for the South and 73.75 for the North.
We still have a ways to go until kick-off, but this definitely helped football feel real. Also, congrats to Matt, TJ, and Chad as they were the winning team for the front 9 golf tournament this morning, and to Jordan, Kyle, Brady, and Brandon for winning the back 9 golf tournament this morning. Not everyone was able to attend both parts, so the tournament was broken into two.
Also, big shout out to Brady for hosting the draft and getting golf organized. I think Jordan brought the pizza's, but I don't know for sure. Also, the draft board was made by Brady -- both the in-person and the virtual version. The virtual version was top notch this year. It had drop downs that updated as picks were made, and the cells were colored by position (like you would see with a draft board and stickers). If for some reason you aren't in our league you should reach out to Brady, ask him for his template, and venmo him some money for the quality work.
Only ~18 days to kick off. Good luck to everyone (but Tommy) in the first week.
Edit - I am coming back to add in the FantasyPros power rankings
Sunday, August 9, 2020
UHSAA Football RPI Updates and Schedule Analysis
Welcome back to another year of high school football. We are only a few days away from a new season kicking off, so I wanted to update those of you who care about the new changes to RPI this year, and how it will affect your teams.
RPI Updates
Before we begin, all of this information can be found on the UHSAA site, but I will try and break it down into a more understandable format.
The first tweak is to the RPI calculation itself. Previously, the equation/weight was MWP*0.4 + OWP*0.4 + OOWP*0.2, and then new equation is MWP*0.45 + OWP*0.45 + OOWP*0.1. So now your results and your opponent's results matter a little more, and your opponent's opponent's results matter half as much as they used to.
To think about it another way, let's think that the RPI is worth 100 points (it's really worth 1, but I don't like thinking in decimals). Your season results are worth a possible 45 (if you go undefeated) out of a possible 100 points. I say 100 points because 45+45+10 is 100, but in reality, the two best teams last year had an RPI of about .750, so realistically, your schedule is worth 45 out of 70-75 points.
One of the main reasons the best teams didn't have an RPI of 100 is because of OWP and OOWP. Unless you go undefeated, and every team you play goes undefeated (except for their game against you), you will not earn 45 points from OWP. The only way that could happen is if you were an independent team, and you only played/beat 1 team per region, and then that team went undefeated.
Sorry for the tangent, I just wanted to explain why the top teams don't automatically have a perfect RPI score, and that seemed like the simplest example I could come up with.
The second tweak is much bigger and helps or hurts a lot depending on who you are, and what classification you are in. But first, some background on how RPI used to work. For football in Utah, there are 5 classifications. RPI has a built-in system to account for playing across classifications. This was the breakdown last year.
Classification | Game Value |
2A | 1.150000 |
3A | 1.322500 |
4A | 1.520875 |
Out of State Opponents | 1.550748 |
5A | 1.749006 |
6A | 2.011357 |
Classification | Game Value |
2A | 1 |
3A | 1 |
Out of State | 1.25 |
4A | 1.5 |
5A | 1.5 |
6A | 1.5 |